Alberte Pagán



(2018, 6’51”)

Impossível resistir-se ao magnetismo de Uluru. Taka Iimura, Paul Winkler, Phil Hoffman, Michael Lee, os Cantrill…: images abondas da rocha. Cheguei a ela sem intençom de filmar nem fotografar. Mas umha vez ali, como resistir-se ao magnetismo da rocha, a essa imensa parede encarnada carregada de história e de cançons que, apesar de ser mais baixa, simples e pequena que a vizinha Kata Tjuta, atrai-te cara ao seu interior invitando-te a fundir-te com ela, a afundir-te nela. Terra nativa, catedral do povo aṉangu.

Images tomadas com umha tableta mini iPad, seguindo a circunvalaçom (11 km) em sentido horário baixo umha temperatura que acadou os 42ºC.

There’s no way of escaping Uluru’s magnetism. Taka Iimura, Paul Winkler, Phil Hoffman, Michael Lee, the Cantrills — enough images of the rock. I came to it with no intention of filming or taking pictures. But once there it was impossible to resist the rock’s magnetism, that huge red wall full of history and songs. Uluru is smaller, simpler and lower than the neighbouring Kata Tjuta, but even so it draws you into its core, it invites you to become one with it, to sink into it. Native land, cathedral of the Aṉangu.

Images taken with a mini iPad while walking clockwise along the 11km perimeter of the monolith under a temperature which reached 107ºF.

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