Alberte Pagán

PHILIP HOFFMAN interviewed

Flower Power

PHILIP HOFFMAN interviewed

Flower Power

Philip Hoffman interviewed by Alberte Pagán

[published by (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico in June 2019]
[collected in the book Emotional Materials / Personal Processes. Six Interviews with Experimental Filmmakers, StereoEditions, 2022]
[traducción al español aquí]

Filmography of Philip Hoffman

On the Pond (1978, 10’)
The Road Ended at the Beach (1983, 32’)
Somewhere Between Jalostotitlan and Encarnacion (1984, 6’)
?O,ZOO! (The Making of a Fiction Film) (1985, 23’)
passing through – torn formations (1988, 44’)
river (1978-89, 16’)
Kitchener-Berlin (1989, 37’)
Opening Series 1 (1992, 10’)
Opening Series 2 (1994, 7’)
Technilogic Ordering (1994, 31’)
Opening Series 3 (1995, 6’; made with Gerry Shikatani)
Sweep (1995, 31’; made with Sami van Ingen)
Chimera (1995, 15’)
Destroying Angel (1998, 32’; made with Wayne Salazar)
Kokoro is for Heart (1999, 8’)
Opening Series 4 (2000, 10’)
What These Ashes Wanted (2001, 57’)
ever present going past (2007, 9’)
All Fall Down (2009, 95’)
Lessons in Process (2012, 31’)
Slaughterhouse (2014, 15’)
Aged (2014, 46’)
By the Time We Got to Expo (2015, 9’; made with Eva Kolcze)
vulture (2019, 57’)

Interviewee and interviewer as seen by Claudio Pato.

Single frame zoom in Chimera.


Technilogic Ordering.

By the Time We Got to Expo.

The “cave” in What These Ashes Wanted.

Somewhere Between Jalostotitlan and Encarnacion.


Nahneebahweequa (Grey Roots Archival Collection, 1860s).


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